Monday, April 26, 2010

10: 74/326

Our couches.
I really dislike them.
They have navy blue slipcovers, which attract Wilson's dog hair like you wouldn't BELIEVE! And we have them decorated with white pillows which look disgusting after a few days of Windsor and Wilson drooling all over them.
The good thing is that they are all removable so I can wash them when it's needed. But it's needed a lot more than I usually feel like washing them.
I got motivated to get these white pillows clean, so I washed them and bleached them and made them look brand new. I finished covering all the pillows and putting the slipcovers back on.
Five minutes later, I walked downstairs to find THIS! No wonder I can't keep them clean!
I let him stay on there long enough to take a picture, and then covered the couch with a blanket.

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