Wednesday, August 12, 2009

License to Divorce???

Before Jason and I could say "I do," one of our tasks was to go get a marriage license. It was the most interesting experience... not at all what I expected. First of all, we had my youngest sister Cassidy with us. Not a big deal, I always have some part of my family with me.
However, as we approached the building (which, by the way, was ORANGE, and I'm not sure why), I realized that we weren't the only ones around with a child. No, virtually every couple we saw going to get their licenses had a baby or toddler with them. I told Jason that we won with the oldest kid in possession at the marriage license office.

So off we go with our illegitimate 8-year-old in hand, and we enter the weirdest little room that has church pews to sit on while you wait. I told you, it was weird. We finally got up to get helped by one of the many women in there who were sort of sitting around chatting, and definitely NOT working. We were called up by a woman whose name we swore was "Bruschetta." Turns out we were wrong. Of course she wasn't named after a food! Silly us. It was Pashetta. Last name - Blu.

So Pashetta Blu takes our information and asks us to go sit down and review the Florida Marriage Handbook while she processes our information. I'm actually looking forward to this because I think, foolishly, that it might contain some good tips. Instead, we end up reading a primer on how to get divorced. Including what to do with your children who are involved (I guess that makes sense, considering all the children who were in the room). Oh and there were also some tidbits on abusive relationships. Just what Jason and I wanted to read about as we are preparing for our marriage. How about, state of Florida, we focus on preventing divorce and abuse by offering some helpful tips on how to have a healthy and happy marriage?! (By the way, I'm not picking on Florida - I'm pretty sure all states have books exactly like this.)

Anyway, after giving us more than enough time to read this handy book, Pashetta Blu calls us back up so we can swear that we are single and not siblings or cousins, before she signs our marriage license. Oh and yes, that does mean that, for all eternity, our marriage license is signed with the name "Pashetta Blu." I can't wait to show our children one day.

One thing that we kept hearing about getting a marriage license was that you have to get blood taken before you're allowed to get married. Although that's not true anymore in most places, be warned that there might be a bloodbank sitting outside of the courthouse once you're finished. The guy in that bloodback probably won't let you leave without giving blood. Trust me, I know. I guess you have to anyway.

And some pictures for your enjoyment, taken by the 8-year-old herself...

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